Bachelorette's Courtney Dober picks up Georgia Love in old kombi van

He presented her with a cheap bracelet made of pasta during their first meeting.

And Courtney Dober continued to impress Georgia Love, 28, by unashamedly showcasing his frugal side, while picking her up for a single date in a rundown kombi servisi van on Thursday night’s episode of the Bachelor.

The 30-year-old Industrial Designer explained that while a luxury car would’ve been more impressive and fun, the kombi Servisi van better represents his personality.

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Jump in! Courtney Dober picked up Georgia Love for a single date in a rundown kombi van on Thursday night’s episode of the Bachelor

‘So the Kombi Servisi symbolises a lot more about myself.I could probably pick her up in a Ferrari and it’d be a lot of fun, but it’s not me,’ he said. 

When Courtney arrived in his bright blue van, former newsreader Georgia was instantly impressed.

‘A kombivan! You look like you’ve stepped straight out of the ’70s.I love this,’ she said.

Symbolic: ‘So the kombi symbolises a lot more about myself.I could probably pick her up in a Ferrari and it’d be a lot of fun, but it’s not me,’ Courtney said

Pleased: When Courtney arrived in his bright blue van, former newsreader Georgia was instantly impressed

The pair made their way to Sydney’s Church Point where Courtney had a fun day planned. 

‘Now, of course, being on the Northern Beaches, big surf culture and I’ve surfed all my life.Something I used to do when there was no surf, I’d get the boys and we’d grab a boat and we’d go skurfing,’ he said.

He added: ‘Skurfing is something where you get a surfboard and a big rope and you tow each other behind the boat and you just surf behind the boat.’

Skurfing: The pair made their way to Sydney’s Church Point where Courtney had a fun day planned

As the pair made their way towards the surf, the rain began to bucket down but the pair were undeterred.

They kicked off the date with Courtney showing Georgia how it’s done before then trying to teach her how to maneuver on the board.

While she put in a solid effort, his jokes and flirtatious smile proved to be too distracting. 

Different: ‘Skurfing is something where you get a surfboard and a big rope and you tow each other behind the boat and you just surf behind the boat,’ he explained

Having a ball!Georgia appeared to be having a great time during the solo date

Flirting: The pair exchanged a few tender moments during their wet adventure

‘…He’s doing little jokes and, you know, pulling faces and doing all sorts of things to make me laugh as well,’ she said.

Back at the mansion, Marketing Manager Matty, 29, found the hidden group date envelope and read out the names of all the invited participants.

‘The first person is going to be…Ryan,’ he said.

Whose going? Back at the mansion, Marketing Manager Matty, 29, received an envelope and read out the names of all the group date participants

He was set to be joined by Tommy, Matt, Cam, Jake and Clancy and Sam was not happy.

‘Look, you know, I love a group date, but I’m not too upset because Georgia didn’t choose you guys. You got chosen by Courtney. So even though you guys think you’re all cool,’ he said.

On the single date, Georgia and Courtney made their way to the Waterfront Cafe for some more one-on-one time.

Beaming: On the single date, Georgia and Courtney made their way to the Waterfront Cafe for some more one-on-one time

‘It’s a spot that I used to have coffee with my mum and dad at.I will lead the way. It is a romantic evening planned, but it has a little bit of a twist to it,’ said Courtney.

‘This looks beautiful!’ said Georgia.

Courtney then explained that the twist was that they would dress-up as pirates, much to Georgia’s delight.

Date with a twist: Courtney then explained that the twist was that they would dress-up as pirates, much to Georgia’s delight

During a conversation about ex-loves, the Hobart-native quizzed him on whether he was ready for love again after not having been on a date in five years.

‘I think that, um, at the stage in life that I am at the moment, absolutely,’ he replied.

‘I can’t wait to fall in love again, you know?I want to go to that next stage, And I wanna find that person who I can be on that level with and start to really build the foundations of a solid future.

Getting to know each other: Georgia and Courtney discussed past loves during their date

He added: ‘And, you know, yes, OK, and all that stuff.I feel like that’s the stage I’m at and I’m ready for it, 100%.’

Georgia later presented him with a rose and within a few moments, they found themselves in an awkward kiss situation.

While both admittedly wanted to lock lips, they missed the chance and instead settled for a hug.

Awkward: Georgia later presented him with a rose and within a few moments, they found themselves in an awkward situation. While both admittedly wanted to lock lips, they missed the chance and instead settled for a hug

‘There was definitely a moment where I thought, «Do I kiss her? Do I not kiss her? Do I go for it? Do I hold back? What do I do?» I think today I was a little more shy than I thought I would be,’ said Courtney.

Over on the group date, host Osher Gunsberg informed the lads that Courtney would be selecting the teams.

He chose four teams: himself and Georgia, Matty and Tommy, Jake and Clancy and Ryan and Cam.

He’s got the power: Over on the group date, host Osher Gunsberg informed the lads that Courtney would be selecting the teams

Each team was tasked with building a billy cart from scratch within 30 minutes and then racing in it.

Georgia said that she felt special to be paired with Courtney.

‘I love that Courtney paired me up with him.I like that he wanted to spend a bit more time with me, but also that he wasn’t thinking, «oh, she’s a girl. She won’t know what she’s doing.» And Kombi Servisi then do I put one of these on the end?’ she said.

Challenge: Each team was tasked with building a billy cart from scratch within 30 minutes and then racing in it

As each team navigated their way through the building process, some bachelors began to show their competitive sides — with Cameron becoming worried about losing to Courtney.

‘I’d like to think we’d win the race, but I think realistically, Courtney’s definitely one to beat and he’s got Georgia, who’s very light,’ he said.

After the Blue team (Matty and Tommy) were victorious, Courtney had the power to select who Georgia’s next date would be with.

Go team!Courtney chose four teams: himself and Georgia, Matty and Tommy, Jake and Clancy and Ryan and Cam

‘I’m thinking, «Obviously, Courtney’s gonna pick himself.» This is a great chance for some one-on-one time. We’ve had a great day together,’ said Georgia.

However, the former TV presenter instead chose employment coach Tommy, 32, to enjoy a one-on-one.

‘You’ve been quiet, and I figure this is probably a good time for you to come meet the lovely Georgia and spend a little extra time with her,’ Courtney explained.

Victory: After the Blue team (Matty and Tommy) were victorious, Courtney had the power to select who Georgia’s next date would be with

Despite the explanation, Georgia expressed frustration with Courtney’s selfless gesture.

‘I’m a bit disappointed Courtney didn’t choose himself.But kudos to him for picking someone else. That’s a very gallant thing to do,’ she said.

During her date with Tommy, he opened up about a past love in the army around eleven years ago and he revealed that it was the only time he has ever said ‘I love you.’

Is there a spark? To find out more information in regards to kombi servisi review our own internet site.  During her date with Tommy, he opened up about a past love in the army around eleven years ago and he revealed that it was the only time he has ever said ‘I love you’

‘That word, to me, is something that is not just thrown around,’ he said.

‘Like, it’s the word that means, pretty much, «I wanna spend my life with you».So my idea is that the next person I say it to is the person that I wanna spend the rest of my life with.

He continued: ‘The reason I’m here is to fall in love again. I definitely feel as though I’ve opened up more since I’ve been here than probably the last 11 years of my life.So I know that I’m ready.’

Candid: ‘That word, to me, is something that is not just thrown around,’ he said

Open: The reason I’m here is to fall in love again,’ he shared

Back at the mansion,  Georgia was treated to an impromptu game of charades with Matty which raised some eyebrows and increased the competition.

‘I’m definitely not a gimmick guy.I go simpler, I go more meaningful,’ Rhys said regarding Matty’s charades act.

‘There’s definitely a lot of rivalry in the house at the moment and there’s a bit of pressure to perform.  

Entertainment: Back at the mansion, Georgia was treated to an impromptu game of charades with Matty which raised some eyebrows and increased the competition

Georgia then pulled Courtney aside to express her disappointment in him not choosing himself for the date with her and he explained that his intentions were good.

‘I don’t think it’s fair that I have more time with you than any of the other boys,’ he said.

He added: ‘I don’t wanna see anyone go home not having enough time with you and not putting their best foot forward.Tommy’s a great guy, and I wanted you to see a side of him that we’ve seen and you haven’t. ‘

Frustrated: Georgia then pulled Courtney aside to express her disappointment in him not choosing himself for the date with her and he explained that his intentions were good

Georgia’s alone time with Courtney did not sit well with others and Kombi Servisi Cameron wasted no time expressing how he felt.

‘It’s not an easy thing, sitting back and watching Georgia grab guys like Courtney,’ he said.

‘…And you know that she spent a long, long period of time with Courtney on a single date and then following on a group date. It’s quite hard considering I haven’t had a single date with her yet.’

Honest: Georgia’s alone time with Courtney did not sit well with others and Cameron wasted no time expressing how he felt

Jake and Sam then treated Georgia to a mouthwatering dessert in an attempt to make last impressions.

‘We wanna try and bring something different to the cocktail party that’s not only gonna help both of us, but also show Georgia a different side of us,’ said Jake.

During the rose ceremony, a sobbing Georgia eliminated Tommy despite their single date and explained that he simply was not for her.

Tears: During the rose ceremony, a sobbing Georgia eliminated Tommy despite their single date and explained that he simply was not for her

‘From the moment that I met you, you were so open with me and you wore your heart on your sleeve,’ she said after the elimination.

‘I don’t think that I’m the right girl for you, and she’s going to be so lucky when she finds you and when you find her.’

Tommy admitted that he was hurt by the decision but appreciative of Georgia’s honesty.

Safe: The other Bachelors were relieved to be safe after Tommy left

Disappointed: Tommy admitted that he was hurt by the decision but appreciative of Georgia’s honesty

‘It’s OK…I appreciate you coming out and telling me this. I really do. Enjoy, good luck and I know you’re going to find an amazing guy ’cause there’s 10 amazing guys left in there,’ he said.

‘I really want to spend the rest of my life making someone happy.Obviously, it’s not going to be Georgia, but if it was, I would have loved to have made her happy.’  

Speaking out: ‘I really want to spend the rest of my life making someone happy.Obviously, it’s not going to be Georgia, but if it was, I would have loved to have made her happy,’ he said