Drew Barrymore and BFF Cameron Diaz want to remake a John Hughes film

revealed earlier Tuesday that she and her best friend, , have discussed remaking the John Hughes classic, Planes, Trains And Automobiles, when interviewing with Adam Sandler on. 

The talented actress, 47,  explained to her 50 First Dates co-star that she wanted to take on John Candy’s role if she ever was cast in a remake. 

The mother of two has been closesince the ’90s, long before the two starred in Charlie’s Angels (2000) together. 

Dream remake: Drew Barrymore, 47, revealed that she and BFF, Cameron Diaz, have discussed possibly remaking the John Hughes 1987 classic, Planes, Trains And Automobiles 

During a ‘Drewber’ segment on The Drew Barrymore Show, Adam and the star caught up with each other while relaxing in the back of a vehicle while cruising through New York City.

Both Drew and Adam have worked together in the past, such as starring in the popular film, The Wedding Singer (1998). 

The video showcased the beauty asking the actor an assortment of questions, and the topic of her talk show was brought up. 

‘I watch your show all the time,’ the comedian gushed. ‘Mornings I get to see how happy you are.’ 

Revelation: The actress revealed the news to her friend and fellow actor, Adam Sandler, during a special segment as part of her talk show, The Drew Barrymore Show, on Tuesday 

In a friendly gesture, surgafilm21 Drew reached out towards Adam, stating, ‘You helped me get the pilot. You and Cameron, by the way. Cameron helped me do the pilot.’ 

The actor then quickly informed the talk show host that, ‘I haven’t seen Cameron in many years.’ 

As she looked down at her notecards, Drew suddenly revealed, ‘Her and I did discuss remaking Planes, Trains And Automobiles,’ referencing to the 1987 John Hughes comedy. The filmmaker is known for creating other hits, such as The Breakfast Club and Sixteen Candles. 

Drew continued, ‘I was like, well, Adam and I talk about that.’ However, Adam kindly interjected with, ‘I’d let you do that.’ 

She told the actor that she would love to have the chance to play John Candy’s character from the film, in which he played, Del Griffith. 

In the talks: The star stated, ‘Her and I did discuss remaking Planes, Trains And Automobiles,’ referencing to the 1987 John Hughes classic 

Best friends: Drew and Cameron have been close pals since the ’90s, long before the two starred in Charlie Angels (2000) together; the pair seen in Hollywood in 2019 

Along with John, the movie additionally starred Steve Martin, Laila Robins, and Kevin Bacon. 

The premise of the classic followed, ‘A Chicago advertising man must struggle to travel home from New York for Thanksgiving, with a lovable oaf of a shower-curtain-ring salesman as his only companion,’ according to an . 

However, reported a few years earlier in 2020 that Will Smith and Kevin Hart have been cast to star in a remake of the film already through Paramount Pictures.  

‘I always take them on a trip every Christmas. I don’t get them presents, which I think at their ages they don’t love, but I say, ‘I think we’ll remember the place and the photos and the experience and that’s what I want to give you,’ she explained. 

The actress turned TV host further added, ‘They get plenty of things throughout the year, so I’m not like some weird, strict, cold mom who’s like, ‘You don’t get any gifts!’ I just feel like a better gift would be a life memory.’