They summarize that past research has generally classified motivations of FLOSS developers as intrinsic (ideology, altruism, kinship, fun), internalized extrinsic (reputation, reciprocity, learning, own-use), and extrinsic (career, pay). 2012) reviewed ten years of research about motivations for contributing to open source projects, and this review provides useful insights for understanding how FLOSS structures can support collaborative and benevolent modes of work. Then, one configures their website or delegates a third-party to send a Webmention consisting of two properties, a source indicating the URL from which the Webmention originates, and a target indicating the URL to which the source is linking. URL actually contains a link to the target URL. The receiver MAY publish content from the source page on the target page or other pages, along with any other data it picks up from the source. Two types of events were collected: (1) Commits, which record changes to a project’s source code or other files; (2) Events related to issues, which record discussions about feature requests, bugs, and other topics. Collaboration is implied in IndieWeb’s principles for building, but this is only codified as sharing documentation and source code.
This form of documentation plays a large role in guiding IndieWeb developments. First and foremost, it can be difficult for newcomers to understand how to use IndieWeb because there are always multiple valid approaches. There is a general consensus that new workflows and approaches should build upon existing practices. Accordingly, incorporating an analysis of this data alongside other ethnographic approaches is a valuable way to understand how people work together. To be able to understand relationships among these two data sources, it necessary to determine a temporal framing that is commensurable across both. Empowerment is framed as a consequence of the skills and abilities embodied in material relationships to technology (2015, p. In sum, the nature of values in a design context depends greatly upon how they are incorporated into, alongside, or through material artifacts. Further, much of the apparent exclusion I described in Chapter 6 was related to early development leaders’ decisions, 슬롯사이트 which contributed to a material architecture that served their interests at the expense of accessibility for people with less technical aptitude and/or interest. As a result, while coding served to identify important concepts and their relationships to each other, writing itself served as an important analytic tool insofar as it provided process through which to bridge concepts developed from participant-observation and those established from broader-scale computational analyses.
This section has identified autonomy and empowerment as sensitizing concepts for understanding IndieWeb’s values and has explored how those concepts operate in maker and hacker cultures more generally. These concepts will be employed to (a) understand IndieWeb’s motivations in relation to corporate Web platforms, (b) investigate power and influence in the process of creating IndieWeb, and (c) situate IndieWeb’s political economy alongside broader social relations (i.e. the ‘social totality’). Social ties are relationships with human actors such as clients, employers, and colleagues, among whom Web designers must negotiate consensus in order to make decisions about their work. Third, postsocial ties are relationships to typified others, such as a Web designer’s conception of the market or end-users. Communities of practice are defined in large part through shared naturalization of the meaning and use of objects (G. One site continually changes styles as a visitor scrolls down the page, another dynamically sets the background to a map of the owners’ current location, many use the default visual style of their website software, though may have customized its functionality. Alan: You have to be professional and personally committed in this career. We have seen many house boats here in the Netherlands.
There are a lot of canals in Harlingen and both small and large boats explore Friesland by water by entering through Harlingen. In most cases, there is no analytical need to refer to interview participants by their real name. One section of the interview was concerned with identifying participants’ prioritization of different goals as well as the extent to which individuals’ goals varied from the broader community. Around the same time as I had been working on Yarns, others in the IndieWeb community had been developing a different approach to readers called Microsub. Multiple implementations of Microsub clients and servers alike would serve IndieWeb’s commitment to plurality, and help validate the quality of the spec. Second, the boundaries between IndieWeb building blocks are defined by standards; Once I set out to build a Microsub server, I was not engaged in decisions related to Microsub clients (except through bug reporting, feature requests, and other troubleshooting). Clients say these qualities are most important in their agent.