Inside the hidden world of Indonesia's transgender women

Sheltered away from the society that marginalises them, these are the waria of .

Transexual and transgender people are often shunned in the largely conservative country, and many choose to move to a community on the island of Java.

Here they could, until last year, attend an Islamic boarding school for transgender learners, thought to be the only one in the world.

Now the waria — a term which combines the Indonesian words ‘wanita’ and ‘pria’, which mean woman and man — often gather in the building to pray, but the school shut after a public outcry last year.

Shintra Ratri, who founded the Pondok Pesantren Waria Al-Fatah religious school in 2008, before it was forced to close

The building acts as a haven for Indonesia’s waria community, who face increasing discrimination

Transexual and transgender people are often shunned in the largely conservative country, and many choose to move to a community on the island of Java

Nevertheless, defiant teachers continue to hold occasional classes for those of the 42 students who continue their learning.

A series of photographs taken in the community of Yogyakarta, where around 300 waria live, give a fascinating insight into the lives of the marginalised group.

Last year Shinta Ratri, a waria activist who founded the Pondok Pesantren Waria Al-Fatah religious school, told : ‘It was a place to pray together, to learn about Islam together. 

The series of photographs taken in the community of Yogyakarta, where around 300 waria live, give a fascinating insight into the lives of the marginalised group

In the past 12 months, the community has come under fire.The Indonesian higher education minister led calls to ban LGBT groups from campuses because they were not ‘in accordance with the values and morals of Indonesia’

The building now serves as a community centre for the waria, who can be victims of ridicule, violence and poverty

‘Waria were uncomfortable praying in public mosques, so I thought it would be better for us to be together than sitting alone in our homes with our spiritual questions only in our hearts.’

The building now serves as a community centre for the waria, who can be victims of ridicule, violence and poverty.

A large proportion have no families or legal identities, and TRAVESTIS LISBOA few can afford gender reassignment surgery, so often retain their male genitalia.

A large proportion have no families or legal identities, and face an increasing wave of discrimination across Indonesia

Around 300 members of the waria community live in Yogyakarta on the island of Java

In the past 12 months, right-wing politicians have called for homosexuality to be criminalised, but president Joko Widodo has called on authorities to defend LGBT people from violence

Many have silicon inserted straight beneath their skin in order to create their breasts, and only some have stable relationships with men.

In the past 12 months, the community has come under fire.The Indonesian higher education minister led calls to ban LGBT groups from campuses because they were not ‘in accordance with the values and morals of Indonesia’.

With the surge in public condemnation, Shinta found herself under attack and conservative politicians called for the LGBT society to be criminalised and advocated ‘cures’. 

The school was closed last year after opposition from the Islamic Jihad Front, but classes continue to be held by defiant teachers

Shinta said: ‘We want to prove that Islam accepts transgenders, that Islam is a blessing for all mankind’

In October last year, after months of silence on the issue, Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo said homosexuality should not be criminalised and called on the police to defend LGBT people from violence

The building now serves as a community centre for the waria, who can be victims of ridicule, violence and poverty

Last year fundamentalist Indonesian group the Islamic Jihad Front (FJI) called for the school to be closed.

Shinta told Human Rights Watch: ‘I told them about how Islam accommodates diversity: people with disabilities, waria, all kinds of people deserve Allah’s love. 

‘I recited passages of the Qur’an, and explained how we teach waria how to face death as Muslims, how to pray as Muslims.I told them about how I was a boy when I was born, but my soul is that of a woman.’

Shinta Ratri, a waria activist who founded the Pondok Pesantren Waria Al-Fatah religious school, said: ‘It was a place to pray together, to learn about Islam together’

She said: ‘I told them about how Islam accommodates diversity: people with disabilities, waria, all kinds of people deserve Allah’s love’

After the school shut in February last year, Shinta told AFP: ‘We want to prove that Islam accepts transgenders, that Islam is a blessing for all mankind.’

But a leader from the Islamic Jihad Front said: ‘We can’t be tolerant towards something that is bad.’

In October last year, after months of silence on the issue, Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo said homosexuality should not be criminalised and called on the police to defend LGBT people from violence.

But a new

A 72-year-old drug smuggler who had £1million of cocaine on a cruise has revealed he shares a Portuguese cell with ‘rats as big as rabbits’

A 72-year-old drug smuggler who had £1million of cocaine on a cruise has revealed he shares a Portuguese cell with ‘rats as big as rabbits’.

Roger Clarke has pleaded with Prime Minister to help secure his release from the notorious EP Lisboa jail.

Three judges convicted retired chef Clarke and his ex-secretary wife Sue, 71, of drugs trafficking on a Caribbean liner after a one-day trial last month.

They were told they will serve their eight-year sentences in Portugal instead of being kicked out of the country and sent back to Britain.

Now Clarke has complained for the first time about the harsh conditions in the jail, and claimed he lost six-stone and had a suspected heart attack.

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Roger Clarke (pictured with wife Sue) has pleaded with Prime Minister Boris Johnson to help secure his release from the notorious EP Lisboa jail 

The officers headed straight for cabin 469, waking its occupants, pensioners Roger and Sue Clarke (pictured) 

Police pictures (right and left) show the Clarke’s suitcases being taken apart to show the hidden cocaine in the couple’s cabin on the cruise ship

Now Clarke has complained for the first time about the harsh conditions in EP Lisboa jail (pictured), and claimed he lost six-stone and had a suspected heart attack

He also said he and his wife were ‘innocent’ and he has sent a letter to Mr Johnson begging him to look into the couple’s case.

Clarke told the : ‘The conditions here are really disgusting, no air conditioning, no heating and in many cells not even any lighting.

‘I’ve been a little lucky as I’m now on F wing which has single cells with a shower and toilet, mind you it’s pot luck if and when you get hot water.

‘Rats are a menace, some are as large as rabbits, cockroaches by the millions and all sorts of other horrible bugs.’

He added: ‘F wing is where anyone from another country, such as embassy people, are shown which is why it’s kept a lot cleaner than other wings.’

Cocaine worth around £1million was discovered by police in the lining (pictured above) of suitcases Mr Clarke had taken on a luxury cruise from the Caribbean 

Portuguese police acting on a tip-off from Britain’s NCA discovered 9lbs of cocaine hidden inside the lining of four suitcases Clarke had taken from the island of St Lucia

Clarke wants to be moved to the mixed-sex Funchal Prison on the island of Madeira with Sue, who is currently in Lisbon’s Tires Women’s Prison.

The pair, originally from Kent but who lived in Guardamar, Spain, were arrested on board cruise liner Marco Polo on December 4, ACOMPANHANTES TRAVESTIS PORTO 2018.

Portuguese police acted on a tip-off from Britain’s National Crime Agency and found 9lbs of cocaine hidden inside the lining of four suitcases Clarke had been handed at St Lucia.

 Sue is currently serving her eight-year sentence in Lisbon’s Tires Women’s Prison (pictured)

But Clarke wants them to both be moved to the mixed-sex Funchal Prison on the island of Madeira (pictured)

Sue and Roger Clarke’s Villa in Guardamar, Spain, where they were the life and soul of local bars and members of a golf club before their arrest and conviction for drug trafficking 

Clarke, from Bromley, Kent, claimed after his arrest a mysterious UK-based Jamaican businessman called Lee had asked him to negotiate the exotic fruit sales during cruise ship stopovers in the Caribbean and bring back the suitcases ‘as a sideline’ [File photo]