A 72-year-old drug smuggler who had £1million of cocaine on a cruise has revealed he shares a Portuguese cell with ‘rats as big as rabbits’.
Roger Clarke has pleaded with Prime Minister to help secure his release from the notorious EP Lisboa jail.
Three judges convicted retired chef Clarke and his ex-secretary wife Sue, 71, of drugs trafficking on a Caribbean liner after a one-day trial last month.
They were told they will serve their eight-year sentences in Portugal instead of being kicked out of the country and sent back to Britain.
Now Clarke has complained for the first time about the harsh conditions in the jail, and claimed he lost six-stone and had a suspected heart attack.
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Roger Clarke (pictured with wife Sue) has pleaded with Prime Minister Boris Johnson to help secure his release from the notorious EP Lisboa jail
The officers headed straight for cabin 469, waking its occupants, pensioners Roger and Sue Clarke (pictured)
Police pictures (right and left) show the Clarke’s suitcases being taken apart to show the hidden cocaine in the couple’s cabin on the cruise ship
Now Clarke has complained TRAVESTIS-LISBOA.BEAUTY link for more info the first time about the harsh conditions in EP Lisboa jail (pictured), and claimed he lost six-stone and had a suspected heart attack
He also said he and his wife were ‘innocent’ and he has sent a letter to Mr Johnson begging him to look into the couple’s case.
Clarke told the : ‘The conditions here are really disgusting, no air conditioning, no heating and in many cells not even any lighting.
‘I’ve been a little lucky as I’m now on F wing which has single cells with a shower and toilet, mind you it’s pot luck if and when you get hot water.
‘Rats are a menace, some are as large as rabbits, cockroaches by the millions and all sorts of other horrible bugs.’
He added: ‘F wing is where anyone from another country, such as embassy people, are shown which is why it’s kept a lot cleaner than other wings.’
Cocaine worth around £1million was discovered by police in the lining (pictured above) of suitcases Mr Clarke had taken on a luxury cruise from the Caribbean
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Portuguese police acting on a tip-off from Britain’s NCA discovered 9lbs of cocaine hidden inside the lining of four suitcases Clarke had taken from the island of St Lucia
Clarke wants to be moved to the mixed-sex Funchal Prison on the island of Madeira with Sue, who is currently in Lisbon’s Tires Women’s Prison.
The pair, originally from Kent but who lived in Guardamar, Spain, were arrested on board cruise liner Marco Polo on December 4, 2018.
Portuguese police acted on a tip-off from Britain’s National Crime Agency and found 9lbs of cocaine hidden inside the lining of four suitcases Clarke had been handed at St Lucia.
Sue is currently serving her eight-year sentence in Lisbon’s Tires Women’s Prison (pictured)
But Clarke wants them to both be moved to the mixed-sex Funchal Prison on the island of Madeira (pictured)
Sue and Roger Clarke’s Villa in Guardamar, Spain, where they were the life and soul of local bars and members of a golf club before their arrest and conviction for drug trafficking
Clarke, from Bromley, Kent, claimed after his arrest a mysterious UK-based Jamaican businessman called Lee had asked him to negotiate the exotic fruit sales during cruise ship stopovers in the Caribbean and bring back the suitcases ‘as a sideline’ [File photo]
I’ve cut up the pictures of him, says Frank Maloney’s devastated brother Eugene as he tells of his shock at sex change
Eugene Maloney learned of his brother’s sex change via a newspaper
And was so saddened by the news he cut up pictures of the two together
Last week he was attacked by three men at a bus stop over the revelations
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Former boxer Eugene Maloney has spoken of his shock at learning his brother Frank was now a transexual called Kellie.
Earlier this month the 61-year-old — who guided Lennox Lewis to the world heavyweight title — revealed he is undergoing a sex change and his ex-wife Tracey Maloney told of the breakdown of their 20-year relationship following the revelations.
Eugene has told of the moment he learned through a newspaper article that his older brother had been living a double-life.
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Eugene Maloney, left with boxer Matt Skelton middle, has told of his shock at learning his brother Frank Maloney, right, was now a transexual called Kellie
Frank having underground a transformation to become Kellie, right, looks on before the IBF Cruiserweight World Championship fight in Germany on August 16
He told the : ‘I was shocked, I began shaking.
‘I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.I went to buy my Sunday newspaper and there it was, right in front of me — I saw my brother is now living as a woman.’
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Eugene, 58, and Frank had always been very close. They shared a passion for boxing and chasing women, and as boys sung together in their local, south London, church.
After learning of his brother’s secret, Frank said he went home and took down photographs he had of the pair together.
In a state of shock, he said he cut the pictures up, as looking at them was too hurtful.
Frank celebrates in the ring with Lennox Lewis who he guided to the world heavyweight title
Eugene said he had no inkling his brother was unhappy as a man, saying: LISBOA PUTAS TRAVESTIS ‘There was no inkling at all that he ever seemed like he didn’t want to be a man. It’s unbelieveable.’
He told how his brother was always a great lover of women. He had married twice, always had girlfriends when he was younger, and would fly women from around the world to spend time with him.
Frank has two daughters, aged 17 and 13.
Eugene said Frank’s revelations have had a knock-on effect on the wider family.
Last week three men confronted him as he waited for a bus, asking if he was ‘that perv’s brother’,
before punching him to the ground.
He said their mother, Maureen, was taking the news hard.
‘My mum was always love her three sons, she will.But she’s hurting. I don’t want to go into exactly what her thoughts are but she is in shock.’
As a blue eyed, tousled blonde haired teen posing for selfies in his bedroom, no one could have predicted the murderous man that Marcus Volke would grow up to be.
In new photos from the male prostitute’s childhood, years before he would go on to cook the remains of his wife inside their Teneriffe apartment,in Brisbane’s inner-city, Volke wears a black hoody and pouts in front of a Star Wars poster.
He looks like any other young Australian boy.
But on Saturday night the 28-year-old was blamed for the horrific murder of his 27-year-old Indonesian wife Mayang Prasetyo after he fled the scene when police showed up at the couple’s home.
He was later found with his throat slashed and a knife in an industrial bin nearby.
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Pictures from Marcus Volke’s teenage years show how he was once dedicated to karate
In another photo from his younger years while growing up outside Ballarat, in rural Victoria, about an hour north of Melbourne and studying at Ballarat High School, a spotty Volke stands in his kitchen wearing his black karate t-shirt.
In his blue-walled bedroom, pictures of men in karate poses and books line the shelves.
Rob Sinclair, a former friend of Mr Volke who used to practise karate with him, told the killer was an intelligent every-day guy who was a nutrition enthusiast.
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‘Karate was his life passion for a very long time,’ he said.
‘He had a bit of a rough-and-tumble upbringing. There wasn’t much room for being too emotional. Marcus, to me, seemed to be … normal is the word I would use to describe him, to be honest, the kind of guy you’d meet on the street and have a conversation with.’
Volke studied karate at Shinkyokushinkai Australia in his home town of Haddon, about 20 km outside of Ballarat.
Volke took selfies in his bedroom and posted them online while growing up outside Ballarat, in rural Victoria, about an hour north of Melbourne and studying at Ballarat High School
In his blue-walled bedroom, pictures of men in karate poses and books line the shelves
Years later, in an online advertisement under the name Heath XL, Volke describes himself as a ‘young sexy Australian boy, very friendly and easy going’.
The ad went onto to say: ‘I can be your companion for an hour or as long as u want, for a dinner, a hot session, holidays or more’.
Volke had began living a double life, while telling friends and family he worked as a chef on cruise ships.
Interior designer Alex Devantier, who knew the couple well, told Daily Mail Australia Volke had never worked as a chef but used it as a cover story to avoid telling his family and close friends the truth about his life as Heath the male prostitute.
‘Karate was his life passion for a very long time,’ Volke’s former friend Rob Sinclair said
It was first thought the 28-year-old was a chef and had met Ms Prasetyo on an international cruise ship
Parts of Ms Prasetyo’s body were found strewn across the couple’s new Teneriffe apartment
He met his future wife Ms Prasetyo while working at the Pleasure Dome brothel in Melbourne for two and a half years, before they both left and went into private sex work in 2012.
‘They were leading double lives because of the lives they were leading,’ Mr Devantier said.
‘Marcus wouldn’t even tell his closest friends of the life he was leading.
‘They lied to their families, so their families didn’t realise what they were actually doing.’
Mr Devantier met Volke and Ms Prasetyo — who were married in Europe in August 2013 — four years ago in Melbourne and introduced them.
‘Mayang left the agency because she was so popular that all the other transsexuals hated her and that’s why she asked me to build her own website to get away from those who were jealous of her achievements,’ Mr Devantier said.
Ms Prasetyo, originally from Indonesia, worked for about five years at the Melbourne brothel
Brothel owner Ivan Gneil (right) has revealed he employed both Marcus Volke (left) and Mayang Prasetyo (centre) at the Pleasure Dome in Melbourne. He claimed the other female staff were scared of Volke after he bought a gun to work
‘They both went into private escorting. I actually helped Marcus register as a private escort in Melbourne and then with his advertising.’
Mr Devantier, from Townsville, said he was in shock over the tragedy.
‘I still don’t believe he [Volke] did it. I can’t believe he did it. If he did do it, sometimes you can’t judge it, you can’t pick it,’ Mr Devantier said.
‘They were a loving and beautiful couple, and never a bad word from either of them about each other.
‘I looked after Mayang’s escort website and I was in communication with her all the time.
‘There was never any hostility towards each other.’
On Thursday, a brothel owner who employed Ms Prasetyo described her as a ‘divine, beautiful, gentle’ person who suffered at the hands of her abusive ice addict husband.
Volke worked at the Pleasure Dome as a male prostitute for around two and a half years before he and Ms Prasetyo both left to work privately in 2012
Mr Gneil laughed off claims that the couple met on a cruise ship and said they met at his brothel
Ms Prasetyo and Volke were both employed as prostitutes at Ivan Gneil’s Pleasure Dome brothel until 2012 and the owner claimed the other female staff were scared of Volke after he brought a gun to work.
Mr Gneil told Daily Mail Australia he knew Ms Prasetyo for about five years, as he revealed how he heard Volke had become violent towards her.
‘Marcus was just your average sort of boy. Other girls here said he had started to become violent. He was asked to leave here and the reason, I believe, was because he brought a gun in,’ Mr Gneil said.
The owner told how the managers at the brothel had expressed concerns that Volke had ‘become a bit aggressive towards them before he was asked to leave’.
‘He was known to be violent towards transsexuals when he was with them. Marcus was also definitely a drug user. He was on ice, we just don’t tolerate it here,’ Mr Gneil added.
Volke also worked under the name of Heath and advertised on online escorting sites
Ms Prasetyo has been described as a ‘divine, beautiful, gentle’ person by her former employer
Mr Gneil employed Ms Prasetyo, originally from Indonesia, for about five years at the Melbourne brothel. She met Volke at the establishment and he worked there for around two and a half years before they both left to work privately in 2012.
‘I’m truly shocked by the news, absolutely devastated. When you don’t see anyone for a while (in this industry) you just assume they’ve gone overseas, so it was horrific to think what Mayang went through.
‘I couldn’t imagine anyone killing someone and chopping them up but I guess I should have seen it coming,’ Mr Gneil said.
He last spoke to Ms Prasetyo on Facebook two months ago and said ‘she seemed absolutely fine’.
‘She was healthy and took a lot of pride in her appearance. It’s unfortunate when they [transsexuals] go and work illegally, they call it privately, they become removed from friends and it’s a downward spiral,’ he added.
Mr Gneil laughed off claims that the couple met on a cruise ship and said they met at the brothel, even though he didn’t know they were dating at the time.
The mother of Ms Prasetyo says she has forgiven Volke for the murder of her daughter
Mayang Prasetyo was found dismembered in a Brisbane apartment she shared with her husband on Saturday
Ms Prasetyo finished working at the brothel the day after Volke left.
Ms Prasetyo’s mother on Thursday revealed she forgives her daughter’s killer after it was revealed Volke was a male prostitute and covered up his secret life by telling close friends and family he was a chef.
Speaking through an interpreter, Nining Sukarni — the mother of Ms Prasetyo — said on Wednesday she had already forgiven her son-in-law.
‘I have forgiven. I have no demands whatsoever or revengeful feeling. Because I love Marcus just like I love Maya,’ she told .
Ms Sukarni said she had met Volke when the couple came to visit her at her Lampung home in rural Indonesia in 2013.
‘They loved each other. We have already considered him as part of the family. I love him,’ she said
Ms Sukarni described Ms Prasetyo — who her mother refers to as Febri Andriansyah — as ‘cheerful, friendly and loud’ and a ‘good son’.
She said when they came to visit in August last year Volke had cooked with Ms Prasetyo and the visit passed without incident.
‘He was kind and loving, shy and reserved. In our eyes he was kind. I never suspected anything,’ Ms Surkarni said.
The 27-year-old was known as Febri Andriansyah, according to her Indonesian passport
He worked under the name Heath and was registered as a private escort in Melbourne
But Kaisey Bloom — a long-term friend of the transgender escort — paints a very different picture of the couple’s life together, saying Volke was a bully and shamed his wife.
Ms Bloom told The Courier Mail Ms Prasetyo was abused by her husband — not just physically but mentally as well.
‘She told me he would get really nasty and would often bring up her past gender disclosure and use it against her,’ she said.
Queensland detectives have appealed for friends and associates of the couple to come forward as police continue their investigation into the murder-suicide.
‘We would like to make an appeal for anyone who may have known the couple — either individually or together, to contact police,’ Detective Senior Sergeant Tom Armitt said.
‘As part of our investigation, we would like to speak to either close friends or other associates of the pair — we would like to know the nature of their relationship with the couple, and gather information about how the couple interacted.
‘This information is important in order to present a background about the pair’s relationship and its dynamic to the Queensland Coroner.’
Queensland Police removed a toxic-labelled container on Monday, following the discovery of Ms Prasetyo’s body parts found boiling in chemicals in a Brisbane apartment on Saturday night
Emergency services remove her body from the DoubleOne 3 Apartments in Commercial Road
Queensland Police made the grisly discovery of a woman’s body parts just after 9pm on Saturday night
The grisly death is being treated as a murder-suicide after Volke fled the scene and was later found in an industrial bin with his throat cut
Ms Prasetyo’s remains were found at an apartment on Commercial Road and Volke’s body was found on Dath Street
Transexual prisoner Paris Green, 23, has been moved from a woman’s prison amid claims she was having sex with the other prisoners
A transexual murderer who was allowed to serve his sentence in a women’s prison has been moved amid claims he was having sex with female inmates.
Paris Green, 23, who was born Peter Laing but identifies as a woman, had been staying on the female wing at HMP Edinburgh.
But Green, who is awaiting sex-change surgery, has been transferred back to the male block amid suspicions she was involved in sexual relationships with other convicts there.
It is the second time Green, who was jailed for at least 18 years for her crime, has been moved for ‘inappropriate behaviour’.
In 2013, just weeks after she was found guilty alongside Kevin McDonagh and Dean Smith of the murder of Robert Shankland, she was transferred from Corton Vale women’s prison, near Stirling, amid similar accusations.
A source told : ‘The women want sex and Paris is the only person who can give it to them.’
Green and her two friends had invited Mr Shankland, 45, to a party in Green’s flat in the central Scotland town of Glenrothes in 2013.
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There he was tied up, beaten and tortured for TRAVESTIS LISBOA hours before finally being murdered.
The behaviour of the three murderers who subjected Mr Shankland to hours of torture in Green’s flat was described by a judge as ‘utterly depraved’.
During the attack, Mr Shankland was tied up with bedding, battered, kicked and sexually attacked with a rolling pin.
He died as a result of either suffocation or blunt force injuries.
Green’s friend Maggie Shields told the trial at the High Court in Glasgow that she visited the flat and discovered the death, before recalling how the trio boasted about the beating.
Victim Robert Shankland was tortured and killed by the trio at a flat in Glenrothes, Fife, in 2013
Dean Smith and Kevin McDonagh were found guilty alongside Green for the brutal murder
Miss Shields went on to say the violence had erupted after a row about buying a bag of chips.
As he lay dying, the killers ate ham sandwiches paid for with the proceeds of selling their victim’s mobile phone.
The victim’s sister Pauline Bell said: ‘The whole thing is a joke. We don’t believe he really wants a sex change.
‘He’s just trying to manipulate the system and the tax payer is footing the bill.’
A spokesperson for the Scottish Ministry of Justice, said: ‘We would not comment on an individual case.’
Paris Green has been transferred from the female wing to the male block at HMP Edinburgh
Sheltered away from the society that marginalises them, these are the waria of .
Transexual and transgender people are often shunned in the largely conservative country, and many choose to move to a community on the island of Java.
Here they could, until last year, attend an Islamic boarding school for transgender learners, thought to be the only one in the world.
Now the waria — a term which combines the Indonesian words ‘wanita’ and ‘pria’, which mean woman and man — often gather in the building to pray, but the school shut after a public outcry last year.
Shintra Ratri, who founded the Pondok Pesantren Waria Al-Fatah religious school in 2008, before it was forced to close
The building acts as a haven for Indonesia’s waria community, who face increasing discrimination
Transexual and transgender people are often shunned in the largely conservative country, and many choose to move to a community on the island of Java
Nevertheless, defiant teachers continue to hold occasional classes for those of the 42 students who continue their learning.
A series of photographs taken in the community of Yogyakarta, where around 300 waria live, give a fascinating insight into the lives of the marginalised group.
Last year Shinta Ratri, a waria activist who founded the Pondok Pesantren Waria Al-Fatah religious school, told : ‘It was a place to pray together, to learn about Islam together.
The series of photographs taken in the community of Yogyakarta, where around 300 waria live, give a fascinating insight into the lives of the marginalised group
In the past 12 months, the community has come under fire.The Indonesian higher education minister led calls to ban LGBT groups from campuses because they were not ‘in accordance with the values and morals of Indonesia’
The building now serves as a community centre for the waria, who can be victims of ridicule, violence and poverty
‘Waria were uncomfortable praying in public mosques, so I thought it would be better for us to be together than sitting alone in our homes with our spiritual questions only in our hearts.’
The building now serves as a community centre for the waria, who can be victims of ridicule, violence and poverty.
A large proportion have no families or legal identities, and few can afford gender reassignment surgery, so often retain their male genitalia.
A large proportion have no families or legal identities, and face an increasing wave of discrimination across Indonesia
Around 300 members of the waria community live in Yogyakarta on the island of Java
In the past 12 months, right-wing politicians have called for homosexuality to be criminalised, but president Joko Widodo has called on authorities to defend LGBT people from violence
Many have silicon inserted straight beneath their skin in order to create their breasts, and only some have stable relationships with men.
In the past 12 months, the community has come under fire.The Indonesian higher education minister led calls to ban LGBT groups from campuses because they were not ‘in accordance with the values and morals of Indonesia’.
With the surge in public condemnation, Shinta found herself under attack and conservative politicians called for the LGBT society to be criminalised and advocated ‘cures’.
The school was closed last year after opposition from the Islamic Jihad Front, but classes continue to be held by defiant teachers
Shinta said: ‘We want to prove that Islam accepts transgenders, that Islam is a blessing for all mankind’
In October last year, after months of silence on the issue, Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo said homosexuality should not be criminalised and called on the police to defend LGBT people from violence
The building now serves as a community centre for the waria, who can be victims of ridicule, violence and poverty
Last year fundamentalist Indonesian group the Islamic Jihad Front (FJI) called for the school to be closed.
Shinta told Human Rights Watch: ‘I told them about how Islam accommodates diversity: people with disabilities, waria, all kinds of people deserve Allah’s love.
‘I recited passages of the Qur’an, and explained how we teach waria how to face death as Muslims, how to pray as Muslims.I told them about how i thought about this was a boy when I was born, but my soul is that of a woman.’
Shinta Ratri, a waria activist who founded the Pondok Pesantren Waria Al-Fatah religious school, said: ‘It was a place to pray together, to learn about Islam together’
She said: ‘I told them about how Islam accommodates diversity: people with disabilities, waria, all kinds of people deserve Allah’s love’
After the school shut in February last year, Shinta told AFP: ‘We want to prove that Islam accepts transgenders, that Islam is a blessing for all mankind.’
But a leader from the Islamic Jihad Front said: ‘We can’t be tolerant towards something that is bad.’
In October last year, after months of silence on the issue, Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo said homosexuality should not be criminalised and called on the police to defend LGBT people from violence.
A 72-year-old drug smuggler who had £1million of cocaine on a cruise has revealed he shares a Portuguese cell with ‘rats as big as rabbits’.
Roger Clarke has pleaded with Prime Minister to help secure his release from the notorious EP Lisboa jail.
Three judges convicted retired chef Clarke and his ex-secretary wife Sue, 71, of drugs trafficking on a Caribbean liner after a one-day trial last month.
They were told they will serve their eight-year sentences in Portugal instead of being kicked out of the country and sent back to Britain.
Now Clarke has complained for the first time about the harsh conditions in the jail, TRAVESTIS PORTO and claimed he lost six-stone and had a suspected heart attack.
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Roger Clarke (pictured with wife Sue) has pleaded with Prime Minister Boris Johnson to help secure his release from the notorious EP Lisboa jail
The officers headed straight for cabin 469, waking its occupants, pensioners Roger and Sue Clarke (pictured)
Police pictures (right and left) show the Clarke’s suitcases being taken apart to show the hidden cocaine in the couple’s cabin on the cruise ship
Now Clarke has complained for the first time about the harsh conditions in EP Lisboa jail (pictured), and claimed he lost six-stone and had a suspected heart attack
He also said he and his wife were ‘innocent’ and he has sent a letter to Mr Johnson begging him to look into the couple’s case.
Clarke told the : ‘The conditions here are really disgusting, no air conditioning, no heating and in many cells not even any lighting.
‘I’ve been a little lucky as I’m now on F wing which has single cells with a shower and toilet, mind you it’s pot luck if and when you get hot water.
‘Rats are a menace, some are as large as rabbits, cockroaches by the millions and all sorts of other horrible bugs.’
He added: ‘F wing is where anyone from another country, such as embassy people, are shown which is why it’s kept a lot cleaner than other wings.’
Cocaine worth around £1million was discovered by police in the lining (pictured above) of suitcases Mr Clarke had taken on a luxury cruise from the Caribbean
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Portuguese police acting on a tip-off from Britain’s NCA discovered 9lbs of cocaine hidden inside the lining of four suitcases Clarke had taken from the island of St Lucia
Clarke wants to be moved to the mixed-sex Funchal Prison on the island of Madeira with Sue, who is currently in Lisbon’s Tires Women’s Prison.
The pair, originally from Kent but who lived in Guardamar, Spain, were arrested on board cruise liner Marco Polo on December 4, 2018.
Portuguese police acted on a tip-off from Britain’s National Crime Agency and found 9lbs of cocaine hidden inside the lining of four suitcases Clarke had been handed at St Lucia.
Sue is currently serving her eight-year sentence in Lisbon’s Tires Women’s Prison (pictured)
But Clarke wants them to both be moved to the mixed-sex Funchal Prison on the island of Madeira (pictured)
Sue and Roger Clarke’s Villa in Guardamar, Spain, where they were the life and soul of local bars and members of a golf club before their arrest and conviction for drug trafficking
Clarke, from Bromley, Kent, claimed after his arrest a mysterious UK-based Jamaican businessman called Lee had asked him to negotiate the exotic fruit sales during cruise ship stopovers in the Caribbean and bring back the suitcases ‘as a sideline’ [File photo]
A transgender activist has demanded an apology from an club over a player’s Instagram story.
Jaycee Tanuvasa called out West Tigers star Shawn Blore for imposing a photo of his teammate Michael Chee Kam over transsexual dancer Antony Sua with laughing face emojis.
Ms Tanuvasa and Sua are members of LGBTQIA+ dancing group House of Iman, which was profiled on the cover of magazine in February this year.
A transgender activist has asked an NRL club to apologise for a social media post shared by a player. Pictured: Jaycee Tanuvasa (centre) and the House of Iman group on Viva Magazine
Jaycee Tanuvasa (pictured) has called out Tigers player Shawn Blore for imposing a photo of his teammate Michael Chee Kam over trans dancer Antony Sua with laughing face emojis
Ms Tanuvasa is the self-described ‘mother’ of The House of Iman, which is a competitive ballroom troop that practices vogue, a form of dance popular with the transgender community.
‘I am not going to allow the trans and homophobic behaviour from the members of your team slide,’ Ms Tanuvasa wrote on Twitter.
‘Queer lives are not a joke! This behaviour is not okay! It’s dangerous for my community especially for queer people in NRL who are mostly closeted.
‘What are your policies around homophobia and transphobia behaviour from the team? This is cannot be allowed.’
Ms Tanuvasa tweeted a screenshot of an Instagram story shared by footballer Shawn Blore, in which he imposed a photo of fellow player Antony Sua’s head on a transgender dancer with laughing face emojis
Ms Tanuvasa told NZ Herald she wanted Blore (pictured) to apologise and the NRL to state what they were doing to support the LGBTQIA+ community
Ms Tanuvasa told the she wanted the NRL to state what they were doing to support the LGBTQIA+ community.
‘I’m not trying to ridicule these boys’ careers, I just want some ownership of their behaviour and for them to understand that this is not okay,’ she said.
‘People are already making fun of us, already bully us for who we are.
‘When you see Pacific Island leaders, TRAVESTIS LISBOA male leaders, perpetuate that, what that does is validate those violent behaviours towards us and encourages it even more. Any mockery of our authentic lives will continue to add to the violence of us in our daily lives.
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‘If they are laughing at us, then a lot of young people will say, ‘these lives are not worthy of anything else other than laughter and ridicule’, and it has been true.’
The transgender performer said the post, which imposed Chee Kam’s (pictured) face on a photo of her dance group, made fun of transgender people which can cause others to be violent towards them
Blore joined the West Tigers halfway through 2020 and is signed on until the end of the 2023 season. Pictured: Blore is tackled by Jazz Tevaga of the Warriors in July 2020
Blore, 20, joined the West Tigers halfway through 2020 and is signed on until the end of the 2023 season.
An NRL factsheet on called ‘LGBTI-Pride in League’ states ‘The NRL supports Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) people.’
‘In 2018 the NRL continues to provide ongoing training and education support to our elite players and staff members.
‘Education occurs via a series called ‘Theatre Sports’ — where actors demonstrate real-life scenarios and appropriate ways to act, speak and learn from.’
In a statement to , the Wests Tigers said: ‘The club has addressed the matter with both players involved — who removed the posts straight away — and remain inclusive as a club in all aspects of equality.’