A 72-year-old drug smuggler who had £1million of cocaine on a cruise has revealed he shares a Portuguese cell with ‘rats as big as rabbits’

A 72-year-old drug smuggler who had £1million of cocaine on a cruise has revealed he shares a Portuguese cell with ‘rats as big as rabbits’.

Roger Clarke has pleaded with Prime Minister to help secure his release from the notorious EP Lisboa jail.

Three judges convicted retired chef Clarke and his ex-secretary wife Sue, 71, of drugs trafficking on a Caribbean liner after a one-day trial last month.

They were told they will serve their eight-year sentences in Portugal instead of being kicked out of the country and sent back to Britain.

Now Clarke has complained for the first time about the harsh conditions in the jail, and claimed he lost six-stone and had a suspected heart attack.

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Roger Clarke (pictured with wife Sue) has pleaded with Prime Minister Boris Johnson to help secure his release from the notorious EP Lisboa jail 

The officers headed straight for cabin 469, waking its occupants, pensioners Roger and Sue Clarke (pictured) 

Police pictures (right and left) show the Clarke’s suitcases being taken apart to show the hidden cocaine in the couple’s cabin on the cruise ship

Now Clarke has complained TRAVESTIS-LISBOA.BEAUTY link for more info the first time about the harsh conditions in EP Lisboa jail (pictured), and claimed he lost six-stone and had a suspected heart attack

He also said he and his wife were ‘innocent’ and he has sent a letter to Mr Johnson begging him to look into the couple’s case.

Clarke told the : ‘The conditions here are really disgusting, no air conditioning, no heating and in many cells not even any lighting.

‘I’ve been a little lucky as I’m now on F wing which has single cells with a shower and toilet, mind you it’s pot luck if and when you get hot water.

‘Rats are a menace, some are as large as rabbits, cockroaches by the millions and all sorts of other horrible bugs.’

He added: ‘F wing is where anyone from another country, such as embassy people, are shown which is why it’s kept a lot cleaner than other wings.’

Cocaine worth around £1million was discovered by police in the lining (pictured above) of suitcases Mr Clarke had taken on a luxury cruise from the Caribbean 

Portuguese police acting on a tip-off from Britain’s NCA discovered 9lbs of cocaine hidden inside the lining of four suitcases Clarke had taken from the island of St Lucia

Clarke wants to be moved to the mixed-sex Funchal Prison on the island of Madeira with Sue, who is currently in Lisbon’s Tires Women’s Prison.

The pair, originally from Kent but who lived in Guardamar, Spain, were arrested on board cruise liner Marco Polo on December 4, 2018.

Portuguese police acted on a tip-off from Britain’s National Crime Agency and found 9lbs of cocaine hidden inside the lining of four suitcases Clarke had been handed at St Lucia.

 Sue is currently serving her eight-year sentence in Lisbon’s Tires Women’s Prison (pictured)

But Clarke wants them to both be moved to the mixed-sex Funchal Prison on the island of Madeira (pictured)

Sue and Roger Clarke’s Villa in Guardamar, Spain, where they were the life and soul of local bars and members of a golf club before their arrest and conviction for drug trafficking 

Clarke, from Bromley, Kent, claimed after his arrest a mysterious UK-based Jamaican businessman called Lee had asked him to negotiate the exotic fruit sales during cruise ship stopovers in the Caribbean and bring back the suitcases ‘as a sideline’ [File photo]

I've cut up the pictures of him, says Frank Maloney's brother Eugene

I’ve cut up the pictures of him, says Frank Maloney’s devastated brother Eugene as he tells of his shock at sex change 

  • Eugene Maloney learned of his brother’s sex change via a newspaper
  • And was so saddened by the news he cut up pictures of the two together
  • Last week he was attacked by three men at a bus stop over the revelations

Former boxer Eugene Maloney has spoken of his shock at learning his brother Frank was now a transexual called Kellie.

Earlier this month the 61-year-old — who guided Lennox Lewis to the world heavyweight title — revealed he is undergoing a sex change and his ex-wife Tracey Maloney told of the breakdown of their 20-year relationship following the revelations.

Eugene has told of the moment he learned through a newspaper article that his older brother had been living a double-life.

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Eugene Maloney, left with boxer Matt Skelton middle, has told of his shock at learning his brother Frank Maloney, right, was now a transexual called Kellie

Frank having underground a transformation to become Kellie, right, looks on before the IBF Cruiserweight World Championship fight in Germany on August 16

He told the : ‘I was shocked, I began shaking.

‘I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.I went to buy my Sunday newspaper and there it was, right in front of me — I saw my brother is now living as a woman.’

Eugene, 58, and Frank had always been very close. They shared a passion for boxing and chasing women, and as boys sung together in their local, south London, church.

After learning of his brother’s secret, Frank said he went home and took down photographs he had of the pair together.

In a state of shock, he said he cut the pictures up, as looking at them was too hurtful. 

Frank celebrates in the ring with Lennox Lewis who he guided to the world heavyweight title

Eugene said he had no inkling his brother was unhappy as a man, saying: LISBOA PUTAS TRAVESTIS ‘There was no inkling at all that he ever seemed like he didn’t want to be a man. It’s unbelieveable.’

He told how his brother was always a great lover of women. He had married twice, always had girlfriends when he was younger, and would fly women from around the world to spend time with him.

Frank has two daughters, aged 17 and 13.

Eugene said Frank’s revelations have had a knock-on effect on the wider family.

Last week three men confronted him as he waited for a bus, asking if he was ‘that perv’s brother’,

before punching him to the ground.

He said their mother, Maureen, was taking the news hard.

‘My mum was always love her three sons, she will.But she’s hurting. I don’t want to go into exactly what her thoughts are but she is in shock.’